Pourquoi les filles délaissent le sport à l'adolescence - Bloomy

The Dropout Dilemma: Why Half of Girls Quit Sports at Puberty

A staggering statistic reveals that one in two girls abandons sports during puberty. A recent study by the World Health Organization (WHO) found that 80% of adolescents worldwide engage in less than an hour of physical activity per day. This figure is even higher for girls, with 85% not meeting WHO's recommended activity levels, compared to 78% of boys.

Why Girls Quit Sports During Puberty

Puberty is a time of significant physical, emotional, and psychological changes, especially for girls. Physical activities often become more challenging and are frequently avoided. Menstruation, accompanied by cramps and low energy, can be a significant barrier for many teenage girls. Additionally, the changes in their bodies during puberty often make young girls feel uncomfortable, leading them to hide under loose, non-sport-friendly clothing to avoid drawing attention.

The pressure to perform can also contribute to this dropout rate. Many teenage girls perceive competition as a source of stress, unlike boys who are more likely to view it as a motivator. Academic pressure plays a role as well, with some parents and teachers prioritizing academic success over physical and emotional well-being.

The Importance of Staying Active

The benefits of physical activity are well-documented: improved physical fitness, better bone health, enhanced cognitive function, and positive psychosocial effects such as increased self-esteem and quality of life. Regular physical activity also reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases like obesity, cardiovascular issues, and respiratory problems.

Parents must understand that sports are not just beneficial for physical health but are also crucial for mental well-being and overall development. Beyond improving coordination and strength, sports have been shown to boost self-confidence, reduce stress, and promote a positive self-image. Team sports, in particular, teach valuable life skills such as communication, cooperation, leadership, and teamwork, which are essential for future success in any career.

Encouraging Girls to Stay in Sports

Focus on Fun

Rediscovering the joy and fun in sports is key to encouraging girls to continue participating. Spending time with friends, feeling a sense of belonging in a team, and enjoying the accomplishment without the pressure of over-performance are all factors that make sports more appealing.

Offer Diverse Activities

Often, the available activities are not well-suited to girls' interests. Traditional sports facilities are more equipped for team sports and rarely offer spaces with mirrors and audio equipment for dance, Pilates, yoga, or other activities. These types of activities are highly favored by many girls but are seldom provided in schools.



Parental Support

Parents play a crucial role in helping their daughters stay engaged in sports. By showing interest in their activities, attending practices, offering constant encouragement, and reassuring them that their physical well-being is just as important as academic success (if not more!), parents can make a significant difference.

"Sports do not build character. They reveal it."


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